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Understanding Pet Problems

About a year after I purchased my dog, I realized that he was really struggling with his health. He just wasn't his lively self, and I was concerned that he was slowly dying. I decided to take him to a veterinarian to have his condition diagnosed, and we were able to learn a lot about his health. Within a few short months, he was on the road to recovery, and I was really grateful that I had done the work to make things better. This blog is all about understanding pet problems and knowing when to seek professional veterinary help.


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Understanding Pet Problems

What You Should Know When Thinking Of Getting A Reptile

by Ann Nelson

If you are thinking of getting a pet but you aren't sure that you are ready for one that is high-maintenance, you should consider getting a reptile. There are many reptiles for you to choose from, such as snakes, lizards, and turtles. You want to review the following information when you are thinking of getting a reptile.  

Reptiles do require proper housing

One of the things you want to realize about reptiles is that they do require adequate housing. For most reptiles, you will usually want to house them in a large glass aquarium. This aquarium will allow you to keep their home heated at a proper temperature that will keep them healthy. If reptiles aren't kept warm with the assistance of a heating rock or a heating lamp, then they won't remain healthy and may even eventually die. You also want to make sure that they have a shallow water bowl they can get into and have plenty of room, since many of them like to lay in the water at some point. There should also be small logs and branches in the aquarium that they can hide in, climb on and even use to rub their old skin off when they are shedding. 

If you have a very large lizard, then you can create an elaborate home for them that is made out of strong mesh material and a wooden frame. You will still want to provide them with a warm area they can go to in order to regulate their temperature to the right degrees. You can install a lot of climbing areas for them and give them many places to hide when they want.

If you have a water turtle, then you want to make sure you give them the right amount of water, but it's also very important for you to offer them enough land to go up on when they want. When you have a water turtle, you won't have to worry about offering them a heating rock or lamp as long as you keep them in a room that offers them a mild temperature.

Feeding your reptile

One of the things you may have to get used to is the idea of feeding reptiles the foods they need to survive, which usually includes live food. Most snakes require mice or rats, but you may be able to feed them thawed-out frozen ones. Some snakes can eat goldfish. Lizards can also vary on the types of food they eat, with some of them eating things like live crickets and mealworms. Water turtles will generally eat things like goldfish, while tortoises can be fed a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Contact a company like Snakes at Sunset to learn more.
