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Understanding Pet Problems

About a year after I purchased my dog, I realized that he was really struggling with his health. He just wasn't his lively self, and I was concerned that he was slowly dying. I decided to take him to a veterinarian to have his condition diagnosed, and we were able to learn a lot about his health. Within a few short months, he was on the road to recovery, and I was really grateful that I had done the work to make things better. This blog is all about understanding pet problems and knowing when to seek professional veterinary help.


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Understanding Pet Problems

3 Tips For Boarding A Dog That Has Separation Issues

by Ann Nelson

If you a dog owner with a lengthy business trip or vacation coming up, you are likely looking at some local options for pet boarding to ensure that your best friend is taken care of while you are away. But if your dog has significant issues with separation anxiety, you will have to put some extra work in before you depart to ensure that things will go smoothly. Here are three tips for boarding a dog that has separation issues.

1. Introduce the Dog Prior to Leaving

Business owners that operate pet boarding services are usually animal lovers and are more than happy to meet new potential customers. Take advantage of this by taking your dog with you when you go to check out the pet boarding facility. Your dog still might not like being away from its owner, but if the dog is at least somewhat familiar with the people you are leaving it with, it hopefully won't be quite as scared on the day that your drive off.

2. Look for Socialization and Exercise Options

Dogs are social creatures, and unless your pet really does not play well with others, you will want to look for a pet boarding service that will have other dogs there at the same time that your pet is. Giving your pet an opportunity to socialize with other dogs and perhaps run around a bit and get some exercise is a great way to distract it from the fact that its owner is no longer around. Even if your pet never really gets over its anxiety, frequent exercise is a great way to tire the dog out and force it to relax a bit instead of being constantly amped up looking around for its owner.

3. Bring Items From Home

Before leaving your dog with the pet boarding service, be sure to drop off a few items that will remind your pet of home. You can bring your dog's favorite toy, favorite treats or dog food and perhaps a favored dog bed or blanket. Some dogs are also calmed down by encountering a t-shirt or sock that smells like their owner. 

If your dog suffers from anxiety whenever it's not around you, take some steps to ensure that its first pet boarding experience will not be too difficult. Introduce the dog to the business owners prior to leaving if you can and be sure to look for a pet boarder that provides exercise and socialization options. For more information, reach out to a local pet boarding business today.
