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Understanding Pet Problems

About a year after I purchased my dog, I realized that he was really struggling with his health. He just wasn't his lively self, and I was concerned that he was slowly dying. I decided to take him to a veterinarian to have his condition diagnosed, and we were able to learn a lot about his health. Within a few short months, he was on the road to recovery, and I was really grateful that I had done the work to make things better. This blog is all about understanding pet problems and knowing when to seek professional veterinary help.


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Understanding Pet Problems

Signs You Need To Take Your Dog To The Vet

by Ann Nelson

If your dog is sick or injured, they can't tell you. You have to look for signs that they are in need of animal care by a veterinarian. Here are signs you need to take your dog to the vet.

Excessive panting

Dogs pant to cool their bodies, but they also pant when they are excited, nervous, or in pain. If your dog is excessively panting for no reason, especially if they are whining or shaking in addition to heavy panting, take them to the vet to see if anything is wrong with them.


Dogs sleep more in a day than people do, but if your dog is sleeping more than usual or acting less energetic than they normally do, they may be sick or in pain. If you can't tempt your dog to go for a walk or do things they normally enjoy, they aren't feeling right and should be taken to an animal hospital for a checkup.

Bad breath

Bad breath in dogs is a sign of tooth decay or gum disease, especially if your dog has very dark or black teeth. Since dental decay can make eating painful and can lead to infection, tackle your dog's poor oral hygiene by getting their teeth cleaned at the vet.


If your dog yelps when you pick them up or pet them without using force, then they could be in pain. Anything from a swollen joint to a recent injury can be the cause of their discomfort. Be careful — a dog that is in pain may lash out by snapping or biting by instinct, even if they are normally docile and gentle.

Not eating/drinking

A definite sign you should take your dog to an animal hospital is if they lose interest in eating or drinking. Your dog may also vomit or have diarrhea if they are sick or injured and cannot eat or drink.

Since lack of water in particular is dangerous and can lead to organ failure and dehydration, don't hesitate to take your dog in for emergency care right away. Your dog's vet will diagnose what is making them ill by doing blood work or taking samples of their stool.

Open sores

Check your dog's fur regularly for open sores, which can be identified by clotted blood, pus, or even missing hair. Any open sore can quickly become infected, so don't treat injuries at home; take your dog to a vet.

Reach out to a clinic like Evergreen Veterinary Clinic to learn more.
